Rizca Afivtya

Sourcing Specialist

Our sourcing and screening expert with experience in Indonesia, Asia and the US.

Happy and attentive, Rizca has the innate ability to put potential candidates at ease. Having worked in recruitment around the globe for many years, she brings fresh expertise and energy to the team.

Rizca Afivtya Verve Sourcing Specialist

Rizca’s specialties


Our technology recruitment specialists dig deep to find the right digital skills and cultural click to transform your career or workplace.

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Office Support

Admin recruitment agencies don’t all do things the same way. By giving these roles the attention they deserve, we attract the office aces!

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Get in touch

+61 242 048 060

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I love getting to know new people, connecting them with opportunities, and helping them to understand themselves better through the process.

Rizca’s Q+As

What did you want to be when you were younger?
A movie director.
What does your day-to-day role involve?
Assist our consultants by sourcing and screening candidates to match the opportunities that we currently (and potentially) have.
What are you really passionate about in your role?
Matching the puzzles!
What are your hobbies/favourite activities outside of work?
Playing video games, making watercolour pieces, and exploring new places.
How would you describe yourself in five words?
Persistent, enthusiastic, creative, adaptive, and friendly.
Do you personally support any local charities/community organisations?
Yes, I personally support several charities monthly under a local platform called KitaBisa in Indonesia.
What are you reading at the moment?
Atomic Habits by James Clear.
What's your favourite quote?
"Que sera sera"

“The team was genuinely interested in myself and the outcome beyond just filling a role.”

Hayden Kirk, Candidate