Lotte Baker

Recruitment Manager

A lady who loves a bit of client/candidate goss to gain real industry insights and stay ahead.

With 21 years of hands-on experience, Lotte started her recruitment career back home in the UK. There's not an engineering industry mag, network or group she doesn't read or follow.

Lotte Baker Verve Recruitment Manager

Lotte’s specialties


We have over 60 years of combined experience in engineering recruitment and know how to align the quirks to ensure a perfect fit.

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Looking for a manufacturing recruitment agency with an edge? We have the knowledge, network and experience to make zero-fail matches.

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Get in touch

+61 455 052 100

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I'm passionate about honesty, integrity and matching the right person with the right job.

Lotte’s Q+As

What did you want to be when you were younger?
A Marine Biologist.
Why do you do what you do?
What we do is life-changing. You spend more time at work than with your friends and family. It's so satisfying when you secure a candidate a job that will be life-changing for them and their family.
Where will your next holiday destination be?
Back home to the UK.
How would you describe yourself in five words?
Outgoing, loyal, energetic, thoughtful, spontaneous.
What's your favourite Newcastle haunt?
The Rum Diaries.
What do you like best about your work?
The people I work with, their work ethic and the brand. The fact that we work autonomously and can pivot our business to suit the needs of the clients and candidates.
What are you reading at the moment?
Two Women by Martina Cole – I love a British vintage gangster book.
Do you personally support any local charities/community organisations?
Macmillan Cancer Support.

“Your professionalism and application to what you do has been a pleasure to work with.”

Alex Armstrong, John Holland

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