10 Aug, 2023Job MarketJobs that won’t be automated by AI – yetWhile AI has undoubtedly automated certain tasks and industries, there are still numerous jobs that require uniquely human skills and capabilities.
13 Jul, 2023Job MarketIs job mobility on the decline?In plain terms, fewer people are quitting. Let’s look at why this might be happening in Australia in 2023.
1 Jun, 2023Job Market, People + CultureThe Big Stay: Embracing the workplace trend of staying putProfessionals across the globe are seeking meaning, growth, and fulfilment in their careers. How will you adapt?
2 Mar, 2023Employer, Job Market‘Resenteeism’: The next trend in the workplaceResenteeism is a play on presenteeism. Employees are turning up, but they aren’t necessarily happy about it.
16 Feb, 2023Employer, Job MarketAI in recruitment—what works and what doesn’t?AI in the recruitment industry has benefits. But there are some parts of the process where we would argue that the bots can’t beat the humans.
18 Dec, 2022Job MarketPredictions about the future of work in 2023In 2022 we rode The Great Resignation and are now beginning to experience the growing trend of quiet quitting. What’s on the cards for 2023?
28 Jul, 2022Job MarketWhat’s next for the Australian job market?Economists have coined a new term predicted to hit Australian shores, ‘stagflation’. It’s the combination of two terms: stagnation and inflation.
30 Jun, 2022Job Market, People + CultureAustralian wage growth: What can we expect?In June 2022, Anthony Albanese delivered on his promise of a minimum wage increase. But is this the only increase we can expect?
18 May, 2022Employer, Job MarketHow will the election impact your business?We look at some of the key Industrial Relations policies ahead of the federal election.
9 Mar, 2022Employer, Job MarketWays to eliminate gender bias in the workplaceThe glass ceiling, the pay gap and limited pathways for women to progress are all documented phenomena in Australian workplaces.
2 Mar, 2022Employer, Job MarketThe great candidate shortageChanges to the nature of work and an uptick in resignations or career changes have contributed to the great candidate shortage.
16 Dec, 2021Job MarketThree workplace predictions for 2022After enduring years of uncertainty, recovery, and lockdowns, what can we expect in 2022?