Before you go into an interview, you need to know how to answer 'Why are you the best candidate for the job'

Answering, ‘Why are you the best candidate for the job?’

It’s one of the most common interview questions.

It’s one of the most common interview questions: Why are you the best candidate for the job?

So, how can you answer it to make the right impression?

We dive in.

Why are you the best candidate for the job?

During most interviews, there will come a point where the interviewer will ask, “Why are you the best candidate for the job?”

There are a few reasons why the interviewer will ask this. Most obviously, they want to determine if you have the skills and experience for the job. Beyond this, they might want to gauge:

  • If your values align with the organisation.
  • Whether you will be a culture-add.
  • If you will thrive in the current team structure and environment.
  • If the career opportunities in the business align with your own aspirations.
  • If the organisation will ultimately be a good fit for you.

This is also a time to ask yourself these same questions to determine if the job is a match for your own ambitions.

A man being interviewed tackles 'Why are you the best candidate for the job'

Tips for answering

When answering the question, the main objective is to sell yourself.

Try highlighting:

  1. Personality traits that you possess that are advantageous for the position

Naturally, some personality traits lend themselves better to different positions and organisations. If, for example, the business environment is fast-paced and dynamic, an extroverted or resilient person might be more suitable (see: 5 ways to build resilience). If the position requires someone to be self-motivated and complete tasks with little direction, someone who prefers to work autonomously would be a more desirable characteristic.

  1. Unique skills or experiences that set you apart from other candidates

If the job is quite specific, for example completing a site migration, and you have completed a similar project in the past, this experience is invaluable. Any like-for-like projects or skills are great examples to share with your interviewer and offer proof that you indeed are a great candidate for the job.

Other unique skills to consider include teaching yourself a new skill (like a computer programming language) in your spare time, speaking another language or working on an exciting project (like the back end of the Olympics).

  1. Exceptional work you have completed in the past

Past exemplary work is always a good indicator of great work to come and will impress your interviewer. This is also a good opportunity to use the STAR method for interviews.

Preparing to answer 'Why are you the best candidate for the job'

The dos and don’ts of answering, ‘Why are you the best candidate for the job?’

Here is a quick recap of the dos and don’ts to help you answer, “Why are you the best candidate for the job?”

  • Do prepare an answer to the question in advance
  • Do review the specific qualifications listed in the job description
  • Do provide examples and specific details that support your answer
  • Do focus on how you can positively impact the company
  • Don’t compare yourself to others
  • Don’t make promises you cannot keep
  • Don’t sell yourself short; let your skills and experience shine through

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